Traditionally and in majority of the situations, the unreached and unengaged were part of the backward class and the lower income strata of society. So the missions methodology traditionally has been one of teach and listen. Due to the economic and social positioning of the missionary, there was a group and class of people who would listen to what the missionary preach and teach. Therefore a missionary could enter into an unreached and unengaged people group area as a missionary and position himself or herself to teach about Jesus.
The mission field is changing. The profile of the unreached people group is changing. The reason for change is the economic and social change that is driving emerging nations in the global economy. Due to the winds of globalization blowing all around the world, the target audience is changing in its profile. The unreached and unengaged are economically more stronger. Socially less marginalized due to years of political activism. Smart phones and enhanced communication technology is making this audience more smarter and hence harder to reach through the traditional methods of teach and listen. The missions audience is working and striving for economic growth. The upper-class of the unreached and unengaged people groups are not going to and have not listened to the traditional missions message methodology.
This means the methodology required to reach and engage this new profile of unreached and unengaged people group needs to change. It is in the context of work and value creation that the Great Commission task is going to be completed.
This is where Missioneering is positioning itself to be the leader in emerging global missions strategy. Missioneering creates self-sustainable business platforms that create value among unreached and unengaged people groups. The business platform is the place where the missionary and the people groups engage and encounter the gospel. The entrepreneur and the worker (people groups) are at par socially and economically in a business platform. It is in this ecosystem that the gospel is lived and Kingdom advanced. Missioneering is making this happen!
God is in the business of building His Church and one of His ways is to use “business” as a vehicle of Kingdom expansion. In the most generic understanding of the word, is whatever we do where value creation happens. So a house-wife or a home-maker is a business-woman because she brings value to the context where she operates. She invests time and energy in managing the home and her return is the building up of the family!
Missioneering is about the business of Value Creation in the context of the Kingdom of God. Business is not a vehicle to make money to support missions, Business is Mission! We define Missioneering as a vehicle for Kingdom expansion. Missioneering incorporates the principles of the King in every step of the business relationship. Missioneering creates a financially self-sustainable platform for building the Kingdom of God. Missioneering creates a sphere of influence for the Missioneer in the community. A Missioneer is a disciple of Jesus Christ called by God to use the vehicle of Value Creation to establish the Kingdom of God in the context of where God has placed them. Missioneer is not a vocation, it is a transformational life-style. Missioneer is not defined by what he or she does, but is identified by who they become.
We believe that God is building a new wine skin through the methodology of Missioneering. The donor model of Kingdom expansion is evidently coming under tremendous pressure and we believe that Kingdom expansion cannot be exclusively at the hands of the donors. We also believe that there are growing locations around the world where the gospel cannot be carried through the vehicle of a traditional missionary due to political, religious and economic reasons and hence God is birthing alternative vehicles for gospel penetration and business is one of them.
The globalization of economies of the world provides the Body of Christ a chance to create self-sustainable wine skins that are scalable and replicable. Self-sustainability, scalability and replicability are the core objectives of Missioneering.
Missioneering is a failure if the business is profitable but there is no intentional Kingdom transformation at the workplace. Missioneering is a failure if there is Kingdom transformation at the workplace but the stakeholders have moved away from being Salt and Light. Success in Missioneering is not defined just by how much profit was made or how many employees or customers or society around were influenced by the King. Success in Missioneering is not defined by what we do but by who we become or who we are transformed to.
Metrics of Personal Success-There are three foundational metrics for defining personal success for a Missioneer:
- Personal Intimacy with the Father by communion through the Holy Spirit resulting in transformation to be like Jesus.
- Living the moral compass of Jesus in the privacy of our life.
- Living the social compass of Jesus in the public areas of our life.
Any level of business/corporate success achieved, any level of Kingdom expansion success achieved, with the above three compromised in an individual’s life will be defined as failure. Corporate success will never be compromised for individual failure. Corporate success will never be glorified at the cost of individual failure.
Excellence is the cornerstone metric of success in Missioneering. Excellence is an effect that can be created through defining and measuring specific quality standards, which are the causes. Excellence is expressed by defining quality parameters in every area of the business. Quality standards are defined and measured in Marketing, Sales, Operations, Finance, HR, Infrastructure and Administration, Technology, Customer Service and customer management.
- We believe that the core values of Missioneering will result in the business becoming profitable and self-sustainable. Profitability is an effect of excellence. Excellence is the cause, profitability is the effect. Excellence is a result of quality and quality results in profitability.
- The business’s goals are to be Salt and Light to their employees, vendors, customers and partners. The business’s value proposition is EXCELLENCE. Excellent products, excellent processes, excellent people, excellent infrastructure, excellent customer service. When the business goals and business values are implemented, the result is profit. Profit is a by-product in Missioneering. Profit is an effect and not the cause for Kingdom Businesses.
Missioneering goes by the age old saying, what cannot be measured cannot be managed. What is not managed will eventually fail. Measurement and Management are intrinsically connected in Missioneering.